Yummeh Bhajis

Omg so second time writing this blog post 🤣.

I made some absolutely gorgeous yummeh tasty Bhaji's for dinner on this cold Sunday. A quick and cheerfull easy snack. With ingredients that I had already had available. Bhaji's with a twist, my son approved it. 

Bahji is a South Asian dish that is usually a side dish served with a numwber of different sauces such as Rita and chutney's.

To make these I used what I had in my fridge to make it easier for me hence why it's with a twist. 


Mushrooms chopped very small (no one likes these but me)

Onions sliced 

Sweet peppers I torn these up.

Chillis I used three of these, you can use how much you can handle.

Garlic,as much as you like.

Besan flour a whole cup depending on how much you are making. (Chickpea flour)

I used salad leaves ,you can use spinach and some corrianda.

Garam masala

Cumin powder or seeds

Salt and pepper

Garlic powder

Hot paprika

Some random Tropical seasoning

One potatoe sliced thinly and diced.

Oil to deep fry

Season to your taste but don't over do it you want to enjoy these. A Bhaji is very much a veg fritter. You can add meat like lamb or chicken mince to it. Let's keep this one vegeh.

So I cut my ingredients up and put all in a mixing bowl. All seasonings in,mix well with your hands at this point I added a little drizzle of oil just to moisten the veg. I then added half a cup of Besan flour into the mix and mixed it in using 3 table spoons of water. Mixed it up then added the other half of flour alongside some more water. I am not trying to create a thick mixture batter here just abit of a mixture.

I then poured enough oil into a deep frying Pan so that it would just about cover the Bhaji's. The oil was then left to hear up on a high heat for 3-5 mins then turned down to a medium
Then place about 4 Bhaji's in the frying Pan 3-5 mins either side you decide but don't burn them. They do need to be slightly brown and crispy. Repeat until your mixture is finished. 

These start to look absolutely gorgeous. 

Wow look at them. These will be nice as a side dish or as a vegi burger. 

Pictures taken by Raisa Mcclarey francis 1st November 2020 ©


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