Why did I start this blog?


Hiya, Raisa here from deep down in Nottingham city United Kingdom.

Why did I start this blog?

For obvious reasons, I love food, cooking and talking about food aswell as eating it. It's just sooo yummy 😋 especially when my dish has come out unexpectedly better than I thought it would.

My family prefer homemade meals. And mainly vegiterian/vegan dishes. Throughout many years I have been suffering from IBS but I don't listen to my gut as I should because you have Guessed I love food. Sometimes you just want that taste and when you bite into certain foods it's a nooo book "eh eh". 

You probably can imagine me saying that. So I have professional experience working as a chef demi chef and also a waitress behind the bar and on the main floor. Working alongside customers and getting to meet new people everyday is absolutely interesting. In this day and age communication with people is a must for alot of us. Food is something that is relateable,we all get hungry. Unfortunately some people are unfortunate to not have food essentials like others who may in cases  over indulge. We are not going to compare peoples lifestyle here but we are going to talk about food and share recipes. And have fun!!! And get healthy and be inspired. We are going to eat ok! 

I will offer recipes to do with gut health on a vegan level. I am not completely Vegan, but my body responds really well to None dairy and none meat products. I don't get any flare-ups or complications. We will do some food and beverages. Recipes that are easy to follow and some complicated ones. Reaching different audiences. Some recipes will be using ingredients that are available in your household. 

I will have some Affiliated links to products that I have and recommend to you. At this moment in time a am not a wealthy wife. That is a goal lol, so Meals will be on budget and may last for a couple of days. It's how we live in my house. Sometimes the food is finished on the same day 😂. It's kul but what about the other days I ask. Anyways food preparation is something that's very interesting. And budgeting having some kind of meal plan which is useful. If you have kids they can get involved with giving you ideas on what they'd like to eat on what day. You could give them the task of looking up meals and ingredients. That way the load is shared when it comes to food. 

When it comes to food my son enjoys veg curry but I have to be in a high vibe energetically mood to make an absolute awesome tasty curry with spices and seasonings and love. Along with rice and and sides. And then he loves soups and lasagna. All dishes are Vegan. My background is Jamaican , I cook a whole lot of Indian and African, Italian dishes. I stay away from tradition and try to add my own little thing into each dish. Let's see what we can rustle up. 

The date is 1st November 2020, Nottingham has just got into a National lockdown which is awful at the moment (my opinion) I know how lonely it is for people who have no one to live with. And how it is for Grandparents who have a huge family but don't get to see them. 2020 has been and is a year of uncertainty. Where do you start when rules change every day. Some rules don't make any sense as though it's been pulled out of thin air. I want to some how bring some light hearted life to you all. Its needed. I am just a Nottingham born and bred woman who is in this with everyone. Last lockdown was unreal. Didn't make a whole lot of sense, overthinking had set in whilst trying to keep my son calm and protect him from all the media. At the same time not really being able to see my Grandparents. Emotional it is a year that will stand out by far. Especially when you have lost someone through the year to death or friendships have gone. Or you have lost your job. Not trying to bring you down. It's a time for reflection,the pause is something we don't often do.


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